Everything Candlepin


Candlepin Glossary

Hello readers!

As my first post, I thought it would be helpful to the Candlepin Community to have a concise glossary of terms that you’re likely hear at any Candlepin House during any Pro event or house league. Some of these words and phrases may leave you scratching your head in wonder. If we want to promote our game, we must acclimate bowlers and spectators to the lingo of the game. This, of course, will be revisited since it has potential to be pages and pages long, but its a starting point. If you feel as though I’ve forgotten something, or something is missing, email me at fdeluca(at)everythingcandlepin.com to make a suggestion. All suggestions for new terms to be added will be considered (but may not necessarily be added). Enjoy!


 September 11th, 2012  
 Frank DeLuca  