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Author Topic: Disappointed
Posts: 5
Post Disappointed
on: June 21, 2013, 12:15


I thought this was going to be the place for Candlepin news?! The new place to be?! There hasn't been an article in 40+ days. To me, that spells extinction. Rich what happened? You had the perfect opportunity with Voy going down, but there wasn't much of a push here.

I want answers!!!

Posts: 11
Post Re: Disappointed
on: June 21, 2013, 14:15

Yes, me too, although I know the regular bowling season just ended, and the Men's & Ladies Pro Series championships are completed. So this might be a slow time of the year.

Posts: 31
Post Re: Disappointed
on: June 21, 2013, 18:28

Hey Mac. I'm doing some R&D (actually interviews) for a really awesome article coming up. I think it'll be something that exposes that game pretty well beyond the boundaries of New England and parts of Canada.

As far as the Voy thing goes, we tried pretty hard to get people to post here (and we still are), but many people just kept searching for Voy until another one was created. Why? I have no idea. We actually even contacted the creator and moderator of the new version (he was very cool, very diplomatic, no problems there), it's just that people want to keep going back there. I can't figure out why. I feel that it actually makes the game look bad (voy), but that's why I don't check it or post there. I'm still staging my "Voycott", and I plan to continue with that. I'm not going participate in an arena where people are trash talking under aliases until its deleted only so that they can do it all over again. It's just silly and does nothing for Candlepin (And I understand that bowling is bowling, and people don't take it seriously, but there are many of us who do and who hate seeing the game die.)

As for the frequency of the articles, the types of articles I like to write require some research and interviews (and even some local travel in some instances), which is why I've been writing as infrequently as I have been. Keep in mind this is something I'm doing in spare time. Also, my pro series articles were personal recounts, and I had my injury in December (ouch!) so I couldn't really say much about that.

Do you (or anyone) have any suggestions for increasing the amount of people who post to this forum? We even were lucky enough to have Urbie smother his videos with the URL, yet people were still telling him that they "miss his videos on YouTube", when they were all being posted here in the highlights section.

Posts: 7
Post Re: Disappointed
on: June 21, 2013, 20:36

Perhaps you could expand this forum to cover duckpins as well as they're similar in many ways? There aren't (to the best of my knowledge) any duckpin forums.

I follow Urbie's you tube videos, especially the duckpin ones. Maybe you could convince him to do some illustrating technique?

As you managed to get a tour around Epco, perhaps you could ask them for some sample balls to try and review for both candle and ducks?

How about a Q and A section?

I could certainly come up with more ideas but I think this is a decent start.

Posts: 93
Post Re: Disappointed
on: June 22, 2013, 07:24

Quote from Frank DeLuca on June 21, 2013, 18:28
We even were lucky enough to have Urbie smother his videos with the URL, yet people were still telling him that they "miss his videos on YouTube", when they were all being posted here in the highlights section.


Bottom line: you have to pick your battles, and it turns out, this wasn't the one!


Posts: 17
Post Re: Disappointed
on: June 24, 2013, 12:25

@meikou - thanks for the insight. If this were "Everything bowling" that might actually work. I'm trying hard for the candlepin community, and maybe someday it could expand, but I don't think now is the time. Granted, I have a good friend that I play cards with and he's a great ten pin bowler. He's thrown nine perfect games, six at sanctioned events. I have a hard time just following the candlepin world from weekend to weekend, taking on something else, at this point is not in the cards.

@Mac - thanks for calling me out and trying to embarrass me in the forum. :)

Couple of things - I appreciate the push, and you're right I should, and can do better. You also don't know my situation, so sometimes time just isn't in the cards. I wish everything was like September to December when I had more time. Work is taking up so much time right now, that I'm working at until 2 AM some nights. Yes, I'm complaining. But, I also know I'm not doing my best either.

You have a right to complain. I just may have handled it differently than calling me out - but there again, I totally deserve it.

It is what it is, and I can only say I want to do better for everyone, you included. I had this formula that I THOUGHT was going to work, and it just plain wasn't right. I'm still learning may way on this as well. It's not like I'm I've given up, or I'm a total PRO at this and am just being lazy or saying who cares. I'm 100% vested in this site, and this game. I want to help, not hinder it.

I have a ton of ideas I want to implement including revamping the site to be more functional. Slowly but surely I SHOULD be able to start kicking ass and taking names again. It's just going to take some work and some old fashion grit and determination.

As far as Voy goes - I'm not Voy, I'm never going to be Voy. As much as there are a sect of people that HATE Voy, it's not my job to fight it - just outlast it. I'm not going anywhere. The site isn't going anywhere. I want this to be the one place to go, and I'm going to work at it, but it's going to take time. Making posts because Voy was down wasn't the answer (that I felt in my heart). People knew the forum was there - I made the decision not to post all over the place about the forum, and maybe that's my loss. Maybe that was a poor decision. I've accepted that people aren't coming here in droves, but eventually, maybe the will. Since the site opened, I'm at almost 1,000,000 hits. I'm not perfect, but I'm doing something right.

You're an avid follower and I truly appreciate and understand what that entails. I just need work on my end of the bargain. I will work out my issues. I worked out my piss poor bowling from last season to this season. I can work this out too.

So please, give me a break here and there, and I'll try to straighten things out.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Disappointed
on: June 25, 2013, 09:05

Don't take it too personal, it's hard to get my tone across. I was more just busting balls. There was a lot of posting originally stating this would be the greatest site with tons of content, and it just hasn't happened yet. Doesn't mean it won't, just trying to give a little push. I'm certainly not trying to embarrass anyone Rich. With a total of 73 views, and most of them being repeat customers, I think our secret is safe.

Posts: 7
Post Re: Disappointed
on: June 25, 2013, 11:40

I understand not wanting to bite off more than you can chew and include ducks but the other suggestions I made would still be useful for players of both games.

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 Rich Limone